Sunday, January 25, 2015

Whole 30 Day 25 still working on forming new habits.....

Yesterday was day twenty five! Which makes today day 26 and leaves me with only 4 days left. Time just flew by! 

I spent the whole day reading, watching figure skating nationals and cooking chicken breast. Well, I didn't do much with chicken breast. Just seasoned with salt put in slow cooker with Imagine chicken broth and homemade BBQ sauce (recipe from It Starts With Food or Nom Nom Paleo don't remember) and cooked on high for like 8.5-9 hours. Then I just shredded using 2 forks. It is yummy. My new favorite. 

For breakfast I had 2 eggs scrambled with mushrooms and leftover grilled plum tomatoes in tbs ghee with half avocado. 

Then for lunch my husband brought in yesterday's mail where was 100% chocolate I ordered on Amazon but it melted so I put it in foil and tucked in fridge. After an hour it was really good and I added few pieces to my beef sloppy joe with cucumber and lettuce. I was done but still wanted to eat. Tried to figure out if I was truly  hungry or just emotionally wanted to eat, but I did grab few nuts. Very few. I did feel full few minutes later. 
I drank all day, water and tea and didn't snack until dinner. For dinner I cut cucumber, bell pepper and tomatoe and had it with pulled chicken. It was very good but again I wanted more when I finished eating. I think it is more psychological than physical. I had a tbs of coconut butter and just drank water. After few minutes I was full. It is interesting I am feeling satiety only after breakfast. After lunch/dinner it usually takes about 15 min to feel full. 

During the day I read a chapter in Refuse to Regain. Metabolism. Still not sure about this chapter. What she says is that we are all different. The same foods and amounts will be digested differently by different people because of each one's metabolism. Well, that's obvious. 
The key learning for me from this chapter is that our bodies need to be moving for our metabolism to work. 

I also read Fit2Fat2Fit by Drew Manning. Got this little book on buck book sale. It was a quick read. This guy, a health and fitness nut and personal trainer did an experiment for a year. He decided to take 6 months to stop excercising and eat a standard American diet, then 6 month to get back into shape. He gained 75lbs. 
One of the key takes from his book (and weight loss registry) is that you need a supporting community in order to successfully drop weight and maintain. It really resonates with me. When I was on Medifast I did really well when I blogged daily and participated in online discussions on the MF board. Supporting others and getting support from others was really a life save for me. I knew I wasn't alone. Somehow I didn't get this feeling when I was in WW back in 2007. 
So now I am following Gwen and Karen and am on 2 Keto FB groups. I believe it is just what I need. 

Another key learning for me from this little book is that you do need a certain amount of discipline and dedication. Only one meal at a time. One choice at a time. Not even a day. Just this minute. This step. 
I knew it already from my couch to 5k training from two years ago. I only need to make the right choice right at this minute. Not decide about future. Just now. 
And it feels great! 
Looking back is rewarding but looking ahead is daunting and discouraging.

I am able to maintain but not lose weight. I know I will figure it out. I might be eating too much or too little. Need to track my food and measure portions in order to figure it out. 

I suspect that nuts are not so good for me. I had some breakouts this week. It is probably the fat/omega 6 in nuts? Not sure what causes my skin to break out. It wasn't too bad. It might even be hormones. 

1 comment:

  1. I posted a really great video today that shows how easy it is to misjudge what we are eating. You might find it interesting. do you have a kitchen food scale? It's a great investment, and I highly recommend one. :)
