Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 13

I am feeling pretty good. Watched some good lectures on YouTube on Art and Science of low carbohydrate living. A short lecture by Dr. Stephen Pinneynwas really useful and practical and another lecture by Jimmy Moore who talked frankly about his own weight gain and common mistakes while on Low Carb. What I learned from it is that I made a good descision by purchasing the Precision Xtra ketone meter and that I should purchase a separate blood glucose meter. I was thinking of using the Precision for both but he says it is easier to monitor and measure with separate devices. 
It's a long lecture and I am watching it in segments 

This way I can do my own n=1 and see how my body responds. It might as well be that I am not in ketosis. Might be that I am having too much protein. 
I don't think I am having too many carbs but who knows....
Would also be interesting to learn my blood glucose. 
I scheduled a physical with my doctor who I haven't seen in years. I haven't had a physical exam in ages. Last time I saw a doctor was about 4 years ago when I broke all 3 bones in my ankle. 
I think I am in pretty good shape. My doctor refused to order blood work lab tests. I am not sure why. I asked her to order advanced lipid panel and hormone tests but she said we will discuss it during physical. Whatever. 

I had my two eggs with avocado and cucumber for breakfast but then I made a mistake and let myself scarf down almonds with cashews. I didn't measure. I think it was around 2-3 oz of nuts. No more nuts for me. I have to get myself busy and out of the house. It really has to do with my life. I am just so miserable staying home and not working but I am not doing anything else with myself. I need to get disciplined. Something needs to change! I cannot keep going like this. I need to be productive. Preferably start earning too. 

I am pretty full though, from all these nuts. Skipped lunch. Was pretty full till 7 pm. 
Had chicken strips cooked in coconut aminos and spiced with some salt pepper and  duca with steamed broccoli leftover and zucchini cooked with tomato paste, mushrooms and greens. 
I am full. 
I have been very thirsty all afternoon and am pretty thirsty still. Drinking water.

Got my ketone meter.,wil be figuring out how to use it. It doesn't come with the ketone strips. Just the blood glucose. So will wait for my order of strips. 
One more day. I am not missing dairy at all. 
Need to eliminate nuts. They are trigger and are dangerous for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Yep, I carefully measure 1 oz. o f nuts for breakfast, and pack them up. No extras hanging around to tempt me. I seem to have spontaneously stopped snacking on an accumulated ounce or perhaps 1.5 in the evening....the day I decided to start posting my actual weight on my sidebar. It's been a real fantastic deterrent to bad food choices. LOL
