Tuesday, December 30, 2014

I started moving my body. Still no scale change

I find it very interesting. Not stressing about it at all. It seems like I should be learning something about my body now. I have been eating really well for over a week now. When I say eating well I mean eating something like 2-3 eggs + veggies for breakfast (or like yesterday no breakfast), meat or fish with veggies (low carb) for lunch and same for dinner, on most days I had 2 squares of dark (85%) chocolate and ~2 times a week a small pack of sea snacks (seaweed). I think that about 3-4 times I had a really small portion like 1oz nuts (almonds/pistachios/macademia). Once I had Sophia's Survival Food 1oz pack of beef jerky. 

Today I had Fage Greek yogurt (2%) with 1oz slithered almonds and some frozen blueberries for breakfast. I did feel a little hungry in second half of the day while in previous days I don't remember feeling this. I wonder if the yogurt/dairy is affecting me.

I am starting The Whole 30 tomorrow so will not be having yogurt anymore, or my 1tbs of heavy whipping cream with my afternoon decaf coffee. I am curious to see how I will feel?

The scale isn't moving. But I am actually feeling like I have slimmed down. I am fitting into my size 4 jeans finally!
I did walk 10000 steps in the past 2 days. Today I took my kids for a short jog/run around our block and it feels great. I am pretty happy with myself.

I am feeling pretty good. I wanted to plan my meals for the week and do grocery shopping but I just cannot bring myself to plan. I really want to document my first Whole 30 and will try to photograph my meals but I am not sure I'll be able to. It's not like I will eat dramatically different. Just no Fage yogurt, dark chocolate or heavy whipping cream. Will have to stay away from food at social gatherings since they all use commercial dressings, sauces and marinates. No problem, I will bring my own tuna salad, have done it before.

Tomorrow I plan on making my first batch of mayonnaise and bbq sauce. 


  1. Rina, I didn't know you were in a size 4; good for you! How much do you weigh? Maybe you have reached your comfortable lower end healthy weight....?

    Let me know how that bbq sauce recipe turns out! :)

  2. Gwen, I was size 4 after Medifast. I am 5.3" and at my lowest was 130. I wanted to drop to 124 but I kept at 130-135 for a year. then started to gradually gain. I was intending to not go over 135 but dug my head in the sand and didn't weight until I got to 147. I knew it is bad when my size 4 jeans where getting tighter and tighter and were too tight to wear.
    Now am happy I can wear them again but am puzzled with the scale. I certainly feel lighter than the 146.6 my scale is indicating as of this morning. It's a mystery :-)
