Sunday, March 22, 2015

4 weeks on zc milestone

It has been 4 weeks. Really?

The transition became easy and smooth once I gave up the little nuts I was eating and the 2 squares of 100% chocolate. It took me about a week but once I stopped I sailed smoothly into the heaven of zc land.

The hormonal acne I had nonstop just ended as by miracle.
I was doing a lot of research online trying to figure out what to use but could only marginally handle the breakouts after they happened with sulfur cream. My face has been clear for 3 weeks! I still cannot believe it! So simple. The photo shows all the products I am bagging and don't need anymore to control breakouts. I also have some wipes not pictured.....
No more energy waste or upset about breakouts or looking for cure and no more buying products to treat this unpleasant condition I have battled with since teenager years.
Phew, what a relief!

When I started originally I was already vlc, eating about 20g net carbs. Switching to meat only really simplified my life.

I have more space in my fridge, pantry and kitchen, I don't need long shopping lists or frequent trips to store, I spend much less time cooking and eating and most of all, I am no longer obsessed with food.
I was hoping for it on vlc bur it didn't happen. With zc I am no longer thinking food. I eat until  I am full and I stay full for hours. To the point where I really do not want to eat anything. ANYTHING!

Some days I will eat twice a day and some days 3 times a day but usually not more than that. There were a couple of days during this month that I only ate once, it was a bug meal but I trusted my body and ate until I wasn't interested in food any more. I am glad I did it.
I haven't experienced ANY cravings or wanting to nibble or snack on something for over 3 weeks, since I cut off the small amount of nuts and chocolate.
It's amazing!

My kids and husband are carboholics and my husband is a meat phobic too. He raises humane issues regarding animals. But I think that it doesn't makensense. He still eats meat just not enough. So he still consumes animals, why not do it in a way that helps him stay healthy? He eats nonstop in the evening, getting 3 or 4 dinners. He is religious about eating his salad, bread and cottage cheese and will have some nuts even after claiming he's full from dinner but after an hour will eat more, and after another hour some more and sometimes even more at night (cheese, bread, fruit. ... all things he considers healthy). All this while I feel totally happy, full and satisfied.

I look at him and vaguely remember how I ate like this or how I limited my eating with meal replacement products when I was on Medifast. I used to rely on my willpower not so long ago. Just a little over a month ago I was dealing with ending a habit of afternoon snacking. Well, it is so simple now. I have no habits anymore. Just eating meat and drinking water (or tea/coffee). I do not need to execute  any will power.
It is amazingly simple I am still shocked.

Yesterday I finished my antibiotics and after the last pill finally peed the right color. I feel that finally the uti is over. I will do a urine test tomorrow. I have been somewhat tired since the antibiotics and hope to have more energy from now on. I also suspect that I didn't have much appetite this week, also due to antibiotics.

I am expecting my period and am starting to have some back discomfort. Looking forward to see how this month will go.

I wanted to lose 15lbs when I started zc but somewhere along the way about a week ago lost interest in the scale and my weight. I know that if I lose weight I will feel it in my body and clothes and besides, I am starting to accept my body the way it is.

I am enjoying the simplicity zc introduced into my life and am looking forward to what lies ahead.

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