Sunday, December 28, 2014

Whole 30?

I have been eating my 3 meals of protein and veggies in healthy fat (and 2 squares of dark chocolate) every day now. No weight loss. I am hovering at 146-147lbs. But I am not discouraged or frustrated. I know I will drop those 15lbs. When I do it I will decide if I want to drop a few more. Simply because I felt great at 130lbs and my clothes fit me right at that weight. 

Actually I am feeling much lighter today and my 'bigger' jeans feel roomy. I cannot weight myself as it will wake my husband. I will weight tomorrow. I did weight myself last night and was 147 in evening. I am guessing I am 2-3 lbs lighter ..... I suspect that staying away from Fage Greek yogurt this past week did good for me. 

I know that I want and need to incorporate exercise in my life. After reading the article innCostco magazine, I realize that I must incorporate exercise if if I want to maintain. I just need to establish a workable schedule for my exercise and for ME. Since I am a stay at home mom I find it hard to do anything for myself once the kiddos are home from school. I am more like a chauffeur, task manager, Sargent master, mediator, cook, waitress etc starting from 2 pm. My three options to move are early morning before getting ready for school, during school day or in evening after they go to sleep. The last option is not really practical during school year. I really want to wake up at 6 am and move but will need to sleep at 9:30/10 for that. The ideal is of course during the day when they are at school, this way I don't need to wake up super early. I keep sabotaging and keeping myself occupied. I should just do it. And make a plan for the days off. Basically, it should become a regular part of my day, like meals. 

So wishing myself luck. 

I already decided I will do The Whole 30 starting January 1st. I am trying to plan my meals. Wanted to plan the whole month but probably will not be able to plan ahead. I intend to plan weekly. Will sit down today/tomorrow and make a list of groceries. I am going through my recipes and all Whole 30 posts. 

I also decided that I will not 'allow' myself indulgences of coconut ice cream or any other 'healthy' or creamy goodies even after whole 30.
Is this the end of tiramisu for me? I think so. Even in the rare occasions that I had it, I always wanted more, the pleasure was always too short and the pleasure was instant. I believe I will not miss it. My life will be better off without it and will not be any better with it (or other goodies). 

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