Cholesterol Resources

The Benifits of high cholesterol 

Really good review of Low Carb diets and cholesterol  

The Cholesterol Myth explained in simple terms

Blood cholesterol has nothing to do with atherosclerosis 

Dr. Mercola explaining how nearly everything your doctor and the media is telling you about high cholesterol and how it relates to heart disease and strokes is wrong? 

Dr. Michael Eades wonderful blog showing that the Framingham long study actually didn't find any correlation between cholesterol and corinary disease

Link between saturated fats and heart disease questioned 

Diet has little to do with your cholesterol level 

Many civilized countries removed the dietary cholesterol limit 

Some really good explanation from Dr. Eades about cholesterol on Keto diet and most importantly I learned that that the LDL number is usually calculated by a formula and is derived from Total measured cholesterol and total measured HDL. The VLDL and LDL are really only mathematical calculations! 

Dr. Davis explains why the Friedewald calculation is no longer valid when we remove grains 

Explanation from Dr. Phinney about why Cholesterol increases in some individuals on Keto diet 

Dr. Peter Attia - The straight dope on Cholesterol a great 40min informative presentation -

About an hour and a half presentation telling the full story of how the whole cholesterol scam took place 

Johnny Bowden really good and simple presentation on The Great Cholesterol Myth 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rina,

    I just wanted to let you know I got to interview cholesterol hacker, Dave Feldman, about people who eat a high fat diet and the cholesterol numbers going very high. We went over his experience and how he has tested how to alter high cholesterol using food timing. I hope you might find this interview adds value to this page
