Sunday, May 3, 2015

Update, still zc, eating challenges, weight slow but reducing

I have been quiet for a while. Not much new. I have struggled a little. 
Zero carb is not super hard but something happened to my taste buds. I,started to be repulsed by most beef and beef fat. I couldn't stand steaks, even rib eyes. I couldnt stand fatty ground beef (73%) I even don't like the lean ground beef anymore. I am not excited about eating meat at all. I do not want anything else though. It's not that I want veggies. I don't want carbs for sure. Here and there I do want chocolate or ice cream or strawberries. 

My face has been clear most of the time. I had a breakout during TOM, but it was small and went away fast. I suspect it also might have had to do with jerky with raisins that I had, very small quantity but still, I binged on like 2oz of it. 

I am now accepting what it is my body is taking me through. Eating what I can whether it is eggs, chicken wings, salmon, and even a little cheese. 
I try to eat whatever beef I can tolerate. I did try US Wellness Meat Pemmican and like it.

The weight seems to be heading down but very slowly. This week I am down to 143lbs and finally fit in my smallest jeans. 

Most of all I feel it is the right way of eating for me. Perhaps my taste craziness is designed to reduce my food consumption? I don't know, I know my body knows better than me and I hope to understand one day. 

1 comment:

  1. You must be pleased to be down to 143lbs ...

    All the best Jan
