Friday, January 30, 2015

Whole 30 Day 30 Is it the END?

Yesterday was the last day of The Whole 30, can't believe 30 days passed already. It was a piece of cake! It is not hard at all to eat a clean diet. What is hard is to keep quantities. Here's what i ate yesterday. No 100% chocolate and no nuts. I was totally fine. No hunger just a couple of times, the old times for snacks i wanted something to eat. like in the afternoon around 4:30/5 pm and in the evening around 9pm.
Something strange is going on with me. It doesn't happen after breakfast, mainly after lunch. I finish my meal and even though I am pretty full and satiated I want something to eat. so in the past I have eaten chocolate but do i really need it? I would like to eat that 1-2 squares of chocolate a couple times a week but I am not sure i want to eat them daily on a habitual basis, which I have been doing. Yesterday I had a little under 1200 calories but I was not hungry at all. I hit all my macros and just didn't want to eat anything else, well i did WANT but my body was perfectly fine and happy.
With dinner I don't usually want to eat after i finish my meal but sometimes when i sit down around 9 pm and my husband munches i feel like i want something too. I usually deal with this by making a cup of tea. Sometimes i do eat like 1oz of nuts.
But i don't want to snack like this any more.

I was at a social event yesterday at noon and they served a very nice catered lunch with hummus, salads, falafel, bread of course, puffs, muffins, brownies, cut veggies, cut fruit, dates......etc. There was absolutely no protein (unless you count the falafel and hummus as protein although nutritionally it is not a complete protein as they are partial amino acid chain). I was a bit distracted but I was still full from my breakfast. I had the thought of having just cucumbers but then reminded myself that even cucumbers have carbs and that I was not really hungry and it was not time for my lunch. So i just kept drinking tea. I went home and had my lunch when i was hungry. I did take 2 muffins and brownies for my kids..... wouldn't want them to throw everything ;-)

Today is the first day I am not on The Whole 30 anymore but i still haven't changed much. My weight is still the same didn't suddenly drop ;-) I am suspecting my body is adjusting to the new macros switching from high fat to higher protein and lower carbs. I will give it 2 weeks. Now that I started to figure out the food template for my recommended macros I really want to be consistent for 2 weeks. I really want to get a handle on my nuts and dark chocolate habit. I have significantly lowered my fat intake. Need to see that indeed my body will start dropping weight once my fat intake in grams is lower than my protein intake. Also trying to figure out what protein sources to eat so i get enough protein (120g) and try not to have any carbs in it so i can get my carbs from veggies only.

Here's my breakfast today visually and nutritionally. I will not eat Turkey Bacon very often. It is too expensive and the same goes for the smoked salmon (which also has carbs!). Both bacon and salmon were too salty for me. I think i will make my own turkey/chicken breakfast sausages and freeze them. although I really like AppleGate Farms chicken apple sausages they do cost more than what I will make myself and I think I do not need to apple sweetening and can save these carbs by making them nyself. I will have a box or 2 in the freezer for emergency. Otherwise it just seems that my previous breakfast which included 2 or 3 eggs and vegetables had too many carbs and not enough protein.


  1. I have gotten into the habit of logging my food on MFP which is really good. 
  2. I stopped snacking between meals, mainly between lunch and dinner. 
  3. I have more control over what i eat. I actually choose what and when to eat, more often than not. Once in a while i still give in and munch on nuts (like on Wednesday) but the frequency is decreasing. I am not tempted by available/free food at social gatherings. I am more conscious of the unclean ingredients even in the salads (like tuna salad is probably made with cheap mayo loaded with soy oil, salad dressing loaded with unthinkable ingredients). 
  4. I finally started to understand what to eat to get to the macros I aim for. 
  5. My skin cleared up, almost completely. Before I started the Whole 30 I had a bad breakout on my chin (my oily area). Had another breakout while that one was disappearing but it was smaller and i immediately treated it with sulfur cream. It is now almost gone and I hope not to have any new ones any time soon. I suspect that it was a result of too much fat. 

What I would like to change next 

I would like to focus on the wanting/needed to eat "something" right after I finish my lunch. This is when I got into the habit of having chocolate and/or nuts as part of my lunch. I thought I will trick myself if i incorporate it in my lunch so i don't feel like snacking in the afternoon. But it is not exactly a nutritional must since I can get my nutrients from my actual food. 

I am still not sure how to handle this one but i will give it a thought. 

1 comment:

  1. how about having a few grapes, or a banana, or some cantaloupe, or other berries at hand? no more than 100 calories worth, but something nutritious to munch on? If that's dangerous for you, then yes, just work on breaking that knee-jerk reaction that you have proven is more 'time of day' related than actual below-the-neck hunger. :)
