Monday, March 2, 2015

My first week on Zero Carb

So it has been a week of eating zero carb. It wasn't eat meat drink water completely but still mostly meat and water, plus coffee and tea.

In the past few days I have been on the go and didn't have time or even want to eat burgers. I made eggs with hard mozzarella cheese (about 1oz) and threw in there smoked fish. It was ok but not emotionally filling as meat. I wasn't hungry but psychologically it didn't feel satisfying. I would have preferred if it would only happen once in a blue moon and not 3 days in a row. 
I also had macademia and few Brazil nuts. When I had Five Guys burgers and steak last week I didn't even reach out to the nuts and was feeling very full even to a point of skipping a meal. 

It seems to me like beef is very satisfying meat. Much more than fish and chicken. 

I had Wendy's burger for lunch yesterday as I skipped breakfast and didn't have time and energy to make anything. For dinner I was with my younger daughter at the arts center from 2pm since she was performing in a show. I took the eggs with mozzarella in a thermos, I also gobbled 2 hard boiled eggs which I did in this cool new way. I put 6 eggs in muffin tin (one egg for each tin) baked at 325 for 25 minutes and then immersed in iced water. PERFECT eggs. Not to soft not to hard inside and super easy to peel. 
I also had some macadamia nuts and few Brazil nuts. And coffee of course.

This morning I had turkey bacon. 
I popped chicken drumsticks in the oven. Made one tray (9 drumsticks) with ghee and another tray with expeller pressed coconut oil. Some spices and 45 min in convection oven at 375. 

I hope the girls like it. 
I am defrosting trader joes buffalo burgers I had in freezer, hope to make them tomorrow. Between the chicken and burgers I have food for the next 2-3 days. 
I need to go to Costco to stock up on meat. 

My jeans are fitting me again. I think my hysteria with my jeans being tight on butt and legs was a combination of new eating with TOM bloating. I am finally feeling great with my body. My face keeps clearing. I have a tiny new pimple in an unlikely place near my right brow but I attribute it to lack of meat and consumption of too many eggs. It is a small pimple that will be gone in a few days, it's not one of my regular hormonal ones in chin area, these are usually bilky, develop under my skin and are big, hard to get rid of and leave marks on my skin for very long time even after they are gone. 
I still have few marks from previous ones and they are getting better.

I would prefer to eat just meat and not eat cheese or seems like it's working best for me. The nuts are trigger food for me, a weakness. I can easily binge on them. They comfort me. 
I am also having heavy whipping cream (about 1 tbs) a day in my coffee, which feels ok but if i stall with weight it will have to go. But first I need to just eat meat and drink water.
The crazy thirst is also gone. I do notice that I get thirst after I eat meat. 

Food shopping has become so simple and easy. My refrigerator is very simplified, neat and clean. Dishes are also becoming easier. Yey! 
I am not stressing about macros anymore, although I would love to keep logging my food on MFP and it is pretty easy because my food is easy, I haven't done it in past few days just because they were hectic and I forgot. 

My first week of zero carb has been a good experience. I wonder if and when will I be starting to lose weight. People in the FB group have had different experiences. It seems to me that people who have more weight to lose experience faster weight loss from the beginning. Others experience body changes, clothes becoming bigger and the weight following later. Someone,told me their clothes started falling off but no change in weight and then suddenly after a month 7lbs dropped in one day. 
I am staying open and am curious to see what my body says. 
Period seems to be over. Tomorrow I will weigh in. 

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