Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I started my journey last November when I went on Medifast. I weigh 185lbs and was cranky, tired and frustrated. I had a closet full of clothes, no scratch that, my closet was EXPLODING, yet I always felt I had nothing to wear. I rarely felt good in anything and always tried to cover myself up in long tunics, sweaters and baggy pants. I did not exercise on regular basis and I felt really guilty about it, but never did anything about it. I did go to dance workout class once in a while but never kept going on consistent basis. I started and stopped. I barely walked, drove kids everywhere. In November 2012 I started Medifast. The first few days were hard. I was lying on the couch, irritable, tired and suffered headaches. The food tasted horrible. After about 3 days, it became more tolerable, headaches gone, I had a little more energy, but the food was still bad. Then my coach gave me few tips on how to prepare it and after a couple of weeks things became easier. The pounds started slipping off. Not as fast as I was hoping but at 2 lbs a week it was the right direction. I also started to have more energy. In the evening I was not pooped on the couch any more. I went to bed and did not lie on the couch and watch stupid TV series. I did not blog during that whole time and it is hard to recreate now. I had some better days and some days where I 'cheated' that meant I had more pistachios, almonds or lean and green than I was supposed to, or had an extra Medifast meal, but I never actually ate flour, grain or fruit. I did not measure my lean and green so perhaps I would have lost weight faster if I had smaller portions. I actually had an extra portion of vegetable almost every day as far as I can remember. Fast forward to June 2013, I have lost 60 lbs and started exercising regularly. I've started C25K training and made sure to either jog or walk every day. I got a fitBit and I monitor my daily activity. For a while I tracked my food in My Fitness Pal but I couldn't keep up with it all the time. I am very not obsessive and cannot keep log for a long time. Even with blogging I am not super consistent. Anyway, Starting from Sept 1 I stopped Medifast. I couldn't eat any more of this packaged food. I never liked the idea of eating so much Soy and especially the Soy protein. Someone of the MF forum mentioned Wheat Belly book, I read it and got hooked. Through that book I learned about Maria's Nutrition, her books and her method, I'm in the process of adopting her way of eating and also really like the whole Paleo/Primal concept. I do not want to eat grains. I do not miss them and I know that if I do start eating them I will have problems controlling my portions and my weight will start creeping up again. I really like the natural way of eating. I'd rather make bread from almond or coconut flour. It is much more filling than wheat. So this is where I am at now. Eating Paleo/Primal, meat, fish, eggs and veggies. I still want to lose weight so I will stay away from fruit, dairy and will try really hard to stay away from all nuts. I do love them! I am also startin T-Tapp excercise. So I hope to measure myself today.

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